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涠洲岛位于广西壮族自治区北海市北部湾海域中部,是中国最大、地质年龄最年轻的火山岛,也是广西最大的海岛,有海蚀、海积及溶岩等景观,素有“蓬莱岛”之称。 其总面积24.74平方千米,最高海拔79米,北临广西北海市,东望雷州半岛,东南与斜阳岛毗邻,南与海南岛隔海相望,西面面向越南,岛内景区包括鳄鱼山、滴水丹屏、天主教堂、五彩滩景区等。该岛曾获“2018中国品牌旅游景区TOP20”称号。 2020年12月16日,拟确定为国家5A级旅游景区。

Weizhou Island in Beihai, Guangxi, is a national 5A tourist attraction

The largest and youngest volcanic island in China

Weizhou Island is located in the middle of Beiwan of Beihai City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is the largest volcanic island with the youngest geological age in China and the largest island in Guangxi Province. It is known as "Penglai Island" for its landscape of sea erosion, Marine deposition and karst rocks. It covers a total area of 24.74 square kilometers, with the highest elevation of 79 meters. It faces Beihai City of Guangxi in the north, Leizhou Peninsula in the east, Xianyang Island in the southeast, Hainan Island across the sea in the south, and Vietnam in the west. The island scenic spots include Crocodile Mountain, Dishui Danping, Catholic Church, Wucaitan Scenic Area, etc. The island was awarded the title of "China's Top 20 Brand Tourist Attractions in 2018". On December 16, 2020, it is planned to be identified as a national 5A level tourist attraction.
