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1.reimburse v 偿还,付还,报销

reimburse sb for sth

The company will reimburse you for travel expenses

2.reserve v 保留,具有或保留(某种权利),预定或保留(座位,房间等),订购 n储备,储藏,保护区,拘谨,寡言

reserve sth for sb/sth

I'd like to reserve a table for two.

Do you have to reserve tickets in advance?

A separate room is reserved for smokers.

reserve the right to do sth 保留做某事的权利(有必要时,行使权力去做)

The manager reserves the right to refuse admission.

reserve (your) judgment on sth (口语)对某事持保留意见


We always keep some money in reserve, just in case.

She overcame her own natural reserve.(这句话里reserve 相当于shyness)

reserve=reservation ,有保护区的意思,美式是preserve

a wildlife reserve

3.cover song n 翻唱歌曲

4.running 运转的,当前的,连续的

running expenses 日常费用,经营费用

running price 市价

This is the fourth time running you've been late

out of the running 没有获胜的希望

in the running 参赛,参加竞选

5.neurotic /njʊˈrɒtɪk $ nʊˈrɑː-/ 神经病的,神经过敏的,神经病患者

He was a shy, neurotic man who found it difficult to make friends

6.smudge n(因擦而形成的)污迹,污斑

v 弄脏,留下污迹

smudged lens 模糊的镜片

a smudge of lipstick on the cup

Someone had smudged the paper with their greasy hands.

7.self-conscious 不自然的,忸怩的,害羞的,(哲学,心理学)自觉的,有自我意识的

I always feel really self-conscious in a bikini.

Teenagers are often very self-conscious about their appearance. 本科学历的,大学学历的

the share of college-educated American men regularly working more than 50 hours a week rose from 24% in 1979 to 28% in 2006.


9.swot /swɒt $ swɑːt/ n 只知道读书的书呆子,苦读的人

v (尤指为考试临时)刻苦学习,用功

students swotting for exams用功备考的学生

He is sure to pass-he's been swotting away for months.

I was too busy swotting for my exams to be much interested in girls.

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats ,a system for examining the way a company is run or the way someone works, in order to see what the good and bad features are)

a SWOT analysis


10.rein n缰绳,驾驭,统治,支配 v 控制,勒住,驾驭

give (full/free) rein to sth 自由无阻的表达情感/感受

He gave free rein to his imagination.


keep a tight rein on sb/sth

The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.

take /hand over the reins 控制某公司或组织,给出控制某公司或组织的权利

Owens will officially take over the reins in a few weeks.

11.ordinary Joe 普通人

Two ordinary Joes are doing their own lonely night thing


12.consideration 体贴,关心,考虑,报酬,补偿费

She demanded the same consideration given to other colleagues



world's war against fascism 法西斯

14.hail n 冰雹,招呼,致敬,一阵 v招呼,猛发,致敬,向…欢呼,使像冰雹一样落下,下冰雹

a hail of stones/bullets

大量石头/子弹 ,石头/子弹雨

I suppose it's better than being mown down in a hail of bullets.


a hail of abuse/criticism

The proposals met with a hail of criticism

hail sb/sth as sth 热情赞扬,把某人某物描述成特别好的东西

Lang's first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.

A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children

She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby(在这里,招呼的意思)

hail a cab/taxi

The hotel doorman will hail a cab for you

15.dilatory /ˈdɪlətəri $ -tɔːri/缓慢的,拖拉的,不慌不忙的(找这个词正合我心意,我有些dilatory,之前我一直用procrastinated 来形容)

The manager sacked a dilatory worker

16.yawning gap/gulf/chasm between A and B两者之间很大的差距,巨大差距,鸿沟

都知道yawning 的原型,yawn是打哈欠的意思

the yawning gap between the two parties

17.have-not n 穷人,贫穷国家

What accounts for this yawning gap between the time-poor haves and the time-rich have-nots?


18.under-educated 受教育不足的,未受良好教育的

well-educated 受过良好教育的

19.demanding 很费心的,很费力的

A demanding job is a source of prestige

Being a nurse in a busy hospital is a demanding job-you don't ge much free time.

20.identify v识别,认出,支持,认同,同情,等同于,有关联

identify sth/sb with sth

the attempt to identify crime with poverty and social problems(等同于)

identify with sb/sth 同情某人,与...一致

He identified with the underdog.他同情弱者

We cannot identify happiness with wealth. 我们不能把幸福与财富混为一谈。


  1. The heart has four ________(身体器官内的室,房间)

  2. Benetton has retail________in every major European city.(发泄途径,销路,经销店,出口,出路)

  3. The ambassador is _________(即将辞职,外向的)

  4. We've got quite a few debts still___________(拖欠的,未偿付的,杰出的,地位显著的)

  5. He gave me a _______on the head the moment he saw me.(重击,打,使神魂颠倒)

  6. The topic is _________(容易引起争议的,好争论的)

  7. The little boy has a sunny _________(气质,性格,天性,安排,布置,倾向)

  8. _________the agreement is in one of his first acts as manager.(弄伤,镇压,刻痕)

  9. He used a rag to ________the flow of blood.(止住,坚固的,忠诚的)

  10. What we are doing now_________our future.(与...利害攸关)


  1. I saw through his excuses (识破,看穿)

  2. What you wear speaks volumes about you.(很有含义,含义深刻,意味深长,充分/清楚表明某人的特征或感受)

  3. It's a filthy night to be out.(肮脏的,下流的,湿冷的)

  4. The more she spoke, the more we warmed up to the subject.(变得对某事更感兴趣,更兴奋,更渴望)

  5. We mortgaged our house to start Paul's business.(抵押贷款)

  6. The whole party are waiting for a further notice (进一步通知,另行通知)

  7. This time they choose to play it safe.(求稳,不冒险,小心翼翼)

  8. Connie always plays up to her parents when she wants money.(因想从某人那里得到想要的东西而表现得很有礼貌,友善)

  9. The make- believe becomes a reality.(假装,假扮者,虚构的,假装的)

  10. I'm going to make you eat your words.(承认 某人说的话是错的)

