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  • Eye-popping – fantastic, astonishing 好极了

The New York Times had an eye-popping article this morning.

  • Chicken – a coward懦夫

You’re a chicken, Tom!

  • Couch potato – people who watching T.V all day电视迷

You are such a couch potato on weekends.

  • Ball – a good time美好时光

We had a ball at the party last night.

  • Croak – to die 死去

She married a millionaire just about to croak.

  • Neat – excellent 完美的

Your house is always so neat – how do you manage it with three children?

  • Nuts – crazy, mad疯狂的

She’s beautiful. I’m nuts about her.

  • Big guns – powerful, influenced people有权有势的人

Jed wanted to impress a Harvard professor and some other big guns.

  • Cruising – going at a high speed 高速巡航

We fly at a cruising speed of 500 mph.

  • Deck – hit some on the face打脸

Do that again and I’ll deck you.

  • Deep pockets – having a lot of money 拥有大量金钱

They’re looking for someone with deep pockets to pay for the research.

  • Dinosaur – something or someone is very old 形容非常古董的

The Health Service has become a dinosaur. It needs radical reform if it is to survive.

  • Airhead – a foolish/ dumb person傻瓜

Boy, that salesman was the biggest airhead I’ve ever seen.

  • Idiot box – the television 指代电视

Phil has been staring at the idiot box all afternoon.

  • Ditch – leave, abandon something放弃

Let’s ditch school today.

  • Guts – courage or boldness勇气

Barbara hasn’t got the guts to leave her mother.

  • Go bananas – go crazy变得疯狂

Love is making you go bananas!

  • Hot – attractive吸引人的

You look so hot in that dress!

  • John – toilet

I need to meet John, r-i-g-h-t n-o-w!

  • Peanuts – very little money很少的钱

He gets paid peanuts for doing that job.

  • Sucks – awful or unacceptable糟糕的

Life sucks, but worth fighting for.

  • Mickey mouse – something that does not make sense没有意义的事

It’s only a Mickey Mouse job.

  • Zero – an unimportant person不重要的人

He is a zero in his family.

  • Crap – worthless thing or a lie废话或谎言

You’re talking a load of crap!

  • Crash – sleep睡觉

I just want to crash out on the sofa.
