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外籍配偶申请永久居留 ?

Theapplication requirements for a China Green Card are very demanding,but it is entirely possible for a foreign spouse married to a Chinesecitizen to get a China Green Card.




Accordingto the Chinese National Immigration Administration, a spouse applyingfor a China Green Card needs to meet the following conditions:married to a Chinese citizen (with permanent residence in China) or aforeigner who has been granted permanent residence status in China,and the marriage has lasted for 5 years, has resided in Chinacontinuously for 5 years, has stayed in China for not less than 9months per year, and has stable living security and residence.




Spousesneed to prepare a large number of documents when applying for aChinese green card.


1.You need to fill out the "Application Form for PermanentResidence of Foreigners in China (Spouse Reunification Person)


2.Provide two recent 2-inch documentary photos


3.The applicant also needs to provide the original and copies of theapplicant's valid passport and visa documents, and the original andtwo copies of the certificate of name change or the certificate oftwo names of the same person if the applicant's name has changed, andthe certificate issued by foreign countries needs to be certified bythe Chinese Embassy (Consulate) abroad.


4.The spouse applying for a Chinese green card also needs to provide amarriage certificate or a notarized certificate of maritalrelationship as well as the authentication and translation ofdocuments from abroad, as well as the Chinese resident ID card andproof of permanent residence of the spouse.


5.Notarized certificate of property or housing lease contract


6. Anotarized certificate of deposit of not less than 200,000 RMB frozenfor more than one year, with original documents.


7.The applicant also needs to provide a notarized statement of spouse'sfinancial guarantee. If the property title provided does not belongto the applicant, one of the spouses must declare in the statement ofguarantee that he or she will provide residence and financialguarantee without compensation.


8.Applicants are required to apply for a certificate of no criminalrecord from the relevant authorities of their home country, andtranslate the certificate certified by the Chinese embassy orconsulate abroad into Chinese and submit a translation and a copy ofthe business license of the translation company.


9.Applicants are also required to provide a health certificate issuedby the health and quarantine department designated by the Chinesegovernment or by a foreign health care institution certified by theChinese embassy or consulate abroad.


10.Registration Form for Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners


11.Applicants are also required to provide their personal resume and adetailed description of their change of status since they turned 18years old. If the applicant had Chinese nationality, he/she shouldalso provide the corresponding proof, including the Certificate ofWithdrawal of Chinese Nationality or the Certificate of Cancellationof the former domestic household registration, the Chinese passportused to study abroad or settle abroad (subject to the nationalitymarked on the current foreign passport), the Certificate of Admissionto Foreign Nationality, etc. If the applicant also holds a Hong Kongor Macao identity card, he or she also needs to provide thecorresponding instructions for not having Chinese nationality.Applicants are also required to provide other supporting documentsthat the public security authorities consider necessary.

