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做鬼脸的英语怎么说(英语口语:make faces at me,冲我做鬼脸?)

英语口语:make faces at me,冲我做鬼脸?



英语:After the little girl made a mistake,she made faces at me.


中文“做鬼脸”是你能“理解”英语make faces at someone的唯一语言:你在用中文,根本没有“用”英语,长此以往,你的英语就永远“只学不用”。


英语:After the little girl made a mistake,she made faces at me.

英语1:Okay.I got you.When you say She made fsces st me,make faces at means She makes a distorted(变形的,扭曲的=twisted)facial expression, a funny,silly, or humorous facial expression at me in order to amuse me/to make me laugh.

英语2:If you make a face at someone, you show a feeling your feeling by twisting/distorting your face into an ugly expression.



3)下面轮到你把以下make faces“读成”英语:

1. Young lady, don't you make a face at me! You will eat your broccoli or you won't have any dessert.

2. The teacher scolded Jimmy for making faces at her from the back of class.

3. When I told him my mother was coming over for dinner, John just made a face and went down to the basement.
