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Isthe Chinese visa still valid for 10 years?


Asof December 19,2022, only single-entry visas have been granted,unlike the 10-year multiple-entry visas granted before the pandemic.


Lengthof stay for Chinese visa


Theterm “Validity” means that during the validity of a visa,the length of stay for each entry is still limited by the length ofstay. At present, the duration of stay in China depends on the typeof visa. In general, Chinese visiting visa stays are between 90 and180 days, while business and work visas are shorter.

有效期是指在签证有效期内,每次入境的停留时间仍然受到停留时间限制。目前,中国的签证的停留时间是根据签证类型而定的。一般情况下,中国的探亲签证的停留时间为90 天至180天,而商务签证和工作签证的停留时间会更短。

Howlong does it take to get a visa approved?


Thedecision to approve a visa application will be made on the basis ofthe applicant’s circumstances and the type of visa applied for. Ifthe applicant’s visa application is approved, the Chinese visa willbe affixed to your passport page, including duration of stay,validity, etc. If an applicant’s visa application is not approved,the applicant is usually notified within a few days to weeks. At thisstage, the U. S. Embassy and other embassies and consulates visaprocessing time is basically maintained at 2-3 weeks.


Howsoon do you need to enter China after you get a Chinese visa?


Ingeneral, after receiving a Chinese visa, the applicant needs to enterChina within the validity period of the visa. Currently, a Chinesevisa is usually valid for 3 months, which means that the applicantneeds to enter China within the validity period of the visa. However,some visa types may have special requirements, such as visa officersmay require applicants to enter China before a specific date.Therefore, applicants are advised to contact the Chinese diplomaticand consular missions before departure or check the relevantinformation online to understand the latest visa policy andapplication process.


Inaddition, applicants should also be aware that if you do not enterChina beyond the validity of the visa, the visa may be invalidated,the need to re-apply. Therefore, applicants are advised to enterChina as far as possible within the validity period of their visas.

