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例如:black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱);black market:黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场)


black market price(黑市价格)blacklist(黑名单)/ black market(黑市)/ black hearted(黑心的)/ black day(凶日)/ black sheep(害群之马)/ black future(暗淡的前途)/ black dog(沮丧)/ black letter day(倒霉的一天)/ paint sb. black(说某人坏话)/ Things look black. (形势不妙。)

black在英语中还象征气愤和恼怒,例如:black in the face(脸色铁青)/ to look black at someone(怒目而视)


例如:black figure / in the black(盈利、赚钱、顺差)/ black figure nation(国际收支顺差国)/ interest in the black(应收利息)


call white black / call black white(混淆是非)/ in the black(盈利、赚钱、顺差)/ black and blue(遍体鳞伤的)/ black sheep(害群之马)/ black lie(用心险恶的谎言)/ blackmail(勒索)/ the pot calls the kettle black(五十步笑百步)/ black dog(忘恩负义的人)/ black hat(坏人)/ black letter day(倒霉的一天)/ black-out(暂时性记忆丧失;昏迷;停电)/ black and blue(遍体鳞伤)/ scapegoat(替罪羊,背黑锅的人)

除此之外,black还有些别的意思,如black tea(红茶)/ black coffee(不加糖和奶的浓咖啡)/ a black smith(铁匠)/ a black coat(职员)。

Since he was made manager,the company has been running in the black.(自从他当了经理以后,公司就一直盈利。)

They went into black for their friend. (他们为朋友深感痛惜。)

He blacked out the words he didn’t want. (他涂掉不想要的话。)

He came out of the fight black and blue. (打架之后,他遍体鳞伤。)

She gave her mother assurance in black and white. (她给她妈妈做出了书面保证。)
